One of my favourite photos of my mate Billy Bamabara from the US who was studying with me in Nanjing along with two other students also from the US. Good times 1988
One of my favourite photos of my mate Billy Bamabara from the US who was studying with me in Nanjing along with two other students also from the US. Good times 1988
Looking back from the entrance of the Forbidden City into Tiananmen square. The lane dedicated to bicycles was as big as the lane for vehicles
Looking back from the entrance of the Forbidden City into Tiananmen square. The lane dedicated to bicycles was as big as the lane for vehicles
Standing in Tiananmen in front of the Forbuidden City in 1988. Cars used to be able to drive along the road in front of the Forbidden City - no more.
Standing in Tiananmen in front of the Forbuidden City in 1988. Cars used to be able to drive along the road in front of the Forbidden City - no more.
Inside the forbidden city 1988. A lot less people than today.
Inside the forbidden city 1988. A lot less people than today.
Taken in winter 1988. The Marble Boat is constructed on the side of the lake and you can see the lake is frozen.
Taken in winter 1988. The Marble Boat is constructed on the side of the lake and you can see the lake is frozen.
A fellow student and I posing in the regal robes. We could have smiled, but I think we were trying to get into character.
A fellow student and I posing in the regal robes. We could have smiled, but I think we were trying to get into character.

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